Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the snot, it seems to love us

the (young) boys and I are all under the weather with the sore throats and runny noses once again. How many times has that been this year? It seems like there has always been at least one sick person in our house all year. It's pretty annoying having sore eyes and a runny nose when it's hot, I must say. I prefer to be sick when it's cold and raining, so I can just lie on the lounge under a doona and watch "you've got mail" over and over again. Still don't know what it is about that movie, but it always makes me feel better. I don't like the idea of being sick when the sun's shining. There's just too much else I could be doing.
Making me feel (slightly) better...tea and toast with honey, a baby asleep for 5+ 1/2 hours (nice, but slightly scary as well), home made chicken noodle soup, having a sneek peek inside this lovely home, having a husband who brings home such goodness as this: yeah, he rocks, that husband of mine. And so does this little boy, who has wanted to be a busker ever since we went to byron bay earlier in the year, where he wanted to drop $5 on a guy playing guitar in the street.
yesterday when he came home from school, he grabbed his "lukulele" and cape, and out the front he went to earn some money. Sadly, there were no passers-by, but the dad and I did pay for some tunes. Love that.

1 comment:

Levin said...

we've had exactly the same year. and all the time i've been saying 'once the warm weather hits, we'll be right' but still the snot comes :(
hope you and the boys get better soon. perhaps we all just need christmas holidays - long rests, less germ sharing and lots of relaxation.
tell the busker that i owe him $2 - gotta love those cute buskers!!!