Monday, April 20, 2009

the chilly season is here

finally! We're experiencing some pretty chilly weather here, and of course at the mere sniff of some wind and rain, I find it necessary to get the family all snuggled up and light the fire. I love the fire and it's toasty goodness. I love how it can dry wet washing without having to use any electricity or make any noise. I love being able to toast marshmallows in the lounge room on any given night, and I love lying in bed and watching it's flickering flames as I'm drifting off to sleep. I like that I have to go and chop kindling and make a fire so that we have warmth, and I like teaching my kids where warmth comes from. I like the fire because it's real and good and honest and warm. I'd love to sit by it's warm side all day and do nothing but knit (well, try to knit) and read and drink tea, but these boys tend to go a little stir crazy after a while, so we go somewhere nice and play in the park and watch some wild waves crash on the rocks.


Melody said...

I love woodstoves too! It sounds like your life right now is ideal. Good for you!

Levin said...

i'm envious
not only of your fire
but of your chilly weather
and the closeness of your waves
i would love to come and knit and drink tea by your fire

we are still in the midst of a rather splendid autumn - warm, sunny days with barely a hint of a breeze - it's beautiful, but i would love some rain

helen macnair said...

I love that you can watch the fire when you go to sleep. How perfect... xxx

Rachael said...


We have a fire but I think we need to get to cleaned before we light it (we moved in September so we have not had it going yet). Mmm, toasty and warm...