I'm not sure whether it's some kind of parallel universe thing, or just the fact that we bloggers have a lot in common, but very frequently I find myself reading or seeing things that I have thought about, or in fact already done myself. Like the before dinner skirt. About a week and a half ago, after a particularly gruelling afternoon with the boys, I handed the babe over to the mister as soon as he walked in the door and set about making myself a skirt from a circular tablecloth. It was one of those ideas that had been tumbling around in my head for a couple of years (yes, years, there's nothing like a healthy dose of procrastination to spur one on), and I decided that this was the afternoon for it. I had about 20 minutes to spare before getting dinner on, and, I'm happy to say, it went without a hitch.

very wearable, and great for twirling. Anyway, back to the parallel universe part, I check in to see what the
soulemama is up to a couple of days later, and there they are, the before dinner skirts. I guess us mammas are all a bit pressed for time, huh?

I'm finding it easier now to have ongoing jobs just sitting on my sewing table, so I can come along and do a little bit whenever I get the chance. I finished off these little size one summer pants in this way today. It's a lot less stressful than trying to see a job through from start to finish, because there's rarely a chance that that's going to happen. So, I just do a seam here, a hem there, and gradually they get finished.

the latest batch of aminals took me about two weeks to do in this manner, amongst other things. The effelants have grown! After referring to the little ones as "little pillows" for so long now, it seemed logical to actually make some that are like pillows. Another idea that took a l o n g time to come to fruition. I'm pretty darn happy with these guys. The very first one I made swiftly disappeared into fin's room, where it now permanently resides, so I guess I'll take that as the kiddo seal of approval. There are a couple in the
shop (well, one actually, and another one who is still making his way there), and also a couple at
my messy room. Hope you like them as much as we do!