Thursday, March 21, 2013

the birthdays of march

it seems that march has become a hectic time in this house, we celebrated willow's 10th birthday last week and yesterday little daisy turned one! It's funny how alike these two are in personality and looks, and with birthdays only eight days apart. They share the same relaxed disposition as well as the blonde hair and blue eyes. It's almost as if we have two sets of twins only they were all born years apart. Weird.
happy birthday sweet little people.

Monday, March 4, 2013

oh, hello autumn

we got off to a rocky start with three days of torrential rain, but today is total autumn perfection. Blue skies, sunshine and a sweet little breeze. It always amazes me how the autumn rain comes and washes the summer away. Everything feels clean and fresh and I can breathe again.
It's been a long absence once again, I'm so bad at keeping up with things. But this little thing is something I think I will always come back to, time and again. Our life is full and also a bit confusing at the moment. We're back in the burbs, and whilst that in itself is ok, aspects of it clearly are not. We came back for high school. Yes, high school. The big unknown. I wanted to make sure the biggest boy settled in without the added pressure of extra travel. And it turns out that high school is great, no problems there whatsoever. He's totally cool with it. The others are back at the big (primary) school, and adjusting to that is not going so smoothly, for them or for me. There are so many things that a school of nearly 900 cannot's not their fault, just the way it is. We miss the little school desperately, not to mention the open space and animals.
So, we will take it one day at a time and see where we end up. In the meantime, my little friend and I are enjoying slow, quiet days together whilst the others go about their business.