ok, so there's a little something I haven't mentioned, something which really does deserve a mention. And it's not really so little either. Little in terms of size, but not in terms of grand scale projects...it's a big job.

I have 10ft of vintage caravan goodness sitting in my driveway, while my car sits decaying under the trees. But who cares about a silly old (well, kinda newish) car when there's a vintage caravan that needs attention.

you see people, I have waited a long time for this little dream of mine to come true, and apparently this particular little one has waited a long time for me. 51 years to be precise. For the last few it has sat in a suburban backyard quietly gathering moss and mould, housing a teenager and several of his mates (and all the paraphernalia one would expect to find in a teenagers' lair, including approximately 27 cigarette lighters amongst other, less desirable things).

never fear, the mouldy plywood has been removed, and new stuff is appearing and everything is gradually becoming shiny and new. In a vintage kind of way. Those pink cupboards will remain
and I will work around their pinkness. Down the bottom there is the original ice chest (with matching pink door) which somehow survived the teenagers unscathed...it's a miracle really.

I have this system, you see. If I really want something, I put a picture of it on my fridge. I've had the above picture stuck on there for about 5 years, quietly hoping that a little vintage van would someday walk (or be towed) into my life. I never made a big fuss about it, I would just glance at it every now and then and think about the day when I might be sitting in a little van of my own, sipping tea and crocheting or maybe doing one of my
vintage jigsaws or playing patience with one of my vintage decks of cards or some such other lovely pasttime. I have all the stuff you see, I just needed the van. Well, now it's here, and although my work is cut out for me, I'm enjoying every minute of it. I hope to one day tow it, but even if it just sits in a paddock (or the driveway), that will be fine too. Yes, little dreams do sometimes come true.
Incidentally, the picture before that one was of a
smeg. I'm sad to say that one did not materialise. One day.