there were decidedly slim pickings in the country oppys this time around, I only managed to come home with a set of nice heavy curtains which will make good book bags and this blue patchworky sheet that was crying out to be made into a summer skirt. With pockets. It told me it needed pockets. I like pockets. I've just realised that pockets is one of those words that doesn't look right after you've written it three times. Can you tell I've been awake since 5.30am?

also made this little stocking for a certain little boy who will be joining us for christmas this year. Oh, so exciting. Can you see that fabric on top? It has squirrels, trees, mushrooms and birds. Now, that's just about all of my favourite things all together at once. That makes me very happy. It's a piece of japanese craft fabric, my current obsession. There have been a few etsy and ebay purchases lately, and I am building quite a nice little stash. The thing I like about these (apart from the obvious ridiculous cuteness), is that I can only justify buying fat quarters of the stuff because it's so darn expensive to buy here, so, a. it's very easy to store, and b. I am only using it for very cute little projects that only require small amounts of the stuff. But you know, the truth is, I would be quite happy to just keep it in a neat little stack on my desk and just look at it all day, without ever doing anything with it.

happy to you. (that was the message on the bag some of it came in. Ah, the sweetness).